November 3, 2008

My Stomach Is In Knots

Today I was in such a bad mood and I couldn't figure it out. My physical body is enough reason with it's constant reminder of illness to me. My dog was annoying me as I was trying to walk her and the baby in the stroller at the same time, and I started a new work schedule that causes me to have to work on Mondays which I don't like. But deep inside I knew that none of those was the cause of my bad mood. Then as I was listening to the prayer room on my computer at work I realized what it was. Today is Monday the 3rd of November. Tomorrow is Tuesday the 4th and the fate of our nation for the next four years, yea even longer will be decided. Now there are some who feel that the powers that be have already decided who the next president will be and our votes don't count. Then there are those who feel that if you don't vote you have helped throw in the towel on our nation. I am in the middle somewhere I think. I feel that there are forces and "others" moving pieces in our nation and the nations of the world like chess pieces for their own monetary gain. I also believe that the majority vote would sway those powers to keep their boat running smoothly. Ultimately I believe that we have a Holy God in total control and He will have His way. That no earthly rulers will overthrow His sovereign plan for our nation no matter the votes or the polls.
So why was my mood so distorted by all this then. As an intercessor I feel things in the spirit. I feel the state of our nation and the betrayal that is going on in secret and even out in the open. The betrayal is that of the bride of Christ siding with immorality and wickedness for their comfort and for their true god mammon. "Where your treasure is, their your heart is also.." Not that the whole church is persuaded by lawlessness, but there is a good number that are walking blindly and with numb seared hearts into the trap and eventually the great falling away. If we are being seduced by smooth talk and tax cuts that are supposedly going to put more money in our pockets, as if that is going to fill the God shaped whole in our hearts. The bride of Christ in this nation is exchanging robes of righteousness in for filthy garments to walk the streets like a harlot. Siding with a known felon of lawlessness for the sake of a few tax cuts and "change". Chanting a slogan that is as false as the promise it represents. "Yes we can!!!" You can what? Breathe without God's hand upon you? Make one hair on your head grey or white? Cause the stars to align perfectly to form constellations? What can "you" do that is not held together by Christ in His merciful power? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN.....DO NOTHING APART FROM GOD. "What is man that He is mindful of him?" Oh church wake up from this nightmare of self absorbed idolatry. Where are you drinking from that you think that without God's great love you would not be wiped from the face of the earth like we deserve for our sinful ways and our stubborn hearts. Oh church He is your maker and your Husband. Return to the Lord your God, return.He is Love and is in love with us. His favor and blessing on us is proof of His desire to have a Bride.

It is not too late for our nation. It is not too late for our children. But we are on the brink of crossing the line that is drawn in the sand. That same line that Sodom crossed. As many Christians stand on the same hill of intercession as Abraham did asking God " If you find 50, 30, 10, 5 righteous" would you spare our nation? We are taking our stand before a holy court and asking for mercy.

Tomorrow you are not voting for a party, you are not voting for a candidate. You are not even voting for the "right choice". Tomorrow you are putting your response on paper to the question..."Choose this day whom you will serve." Not that either candidate is totally righteous or totally wicked. There is one coming that is Satan in the flesh and will deceive the nations with all lying signs and wonders. Many will believe the lie because the love of the truth is not in them
(2 Thess.2) I feel for our friends that are persuaded to think that the "change" that is being offered is real and sure. There is only One who can bring true Change and He is not running for president. He is King~


Kristi said...

Preach it, girl! We are thinking about you guys and your election today! And praying!

jjgilman said...

Very well writen, and articulated. Amen!