October 14, 2008

What Does Pro-Life Look Like?

The other day I took my beautiful daughter to her one month check up at the pediatrician. She is healthy, growing and weights 8 lbs and 9 oz now. It was just over a month that we got the call that our little one was coming into this world. We drove the 5 hours to be there for her first moments and she has stolen our hearts away. Part of the "getting" process of adoption had us driving through Wichita, KS. It is a medium sized city that feeds many smaller towns around it and it is the closest place in that part of Kansas that you can receive an abortion. It is where our birth mother was headed shortly after finding out that she was pregnant and didn't want the baby. Two days after Shiloh was born we drove through Wichita and it hit me, 9 months earlier and she could have died in that city and now she was alive and driving through it. It was a huge testimony to love, courage and also to God. He spared Shiloh through various circumstances and placed her in our home forever. Our prayers in the house of prayer were manifest in God sparing Shiloh's life. I was a Hannah crying out and He delivered to us a "Samuel". Snatched from the fire, our little one stands as a reminded that Pro-Life is more than a banner or a voting stance. It is more than picket lines or hater signs. Pro-life is more than a choice and more than a religious conviction. Pro-Life is a LIFE. Pro-Life is saying yes to life and no to murder.
No matter how the media or left-wing yahoos try to put it, life begins at conception. It is an amazing phenomenon in biology to watch two haploid cells divide in meiosis to form another complete cell. This cell has the capability to differentiate into multiple cells and tissues that form organ systems in a matter of weeks. In less time that it takes presidential candidates to get elected, there is a tiny little life being knit together. This is miraculous! No one can say that a cell that is actively undergoing cell division is dead, that it is none living. That is crap! I am a nurse and have also taught biology.I have seen the inside of a uterus and the processes it takes to prepares for conception and gestation. Those who say that life begins outside the womb have never seen the workings of a female body during pregnancy.At what other point does the human body grow accessory organs such as the placenta other than to support LIFE!

On November 4th so many things are going to change and lines will be drawn in the sand. But it is not Nov. 4th that I am putting my hopes in. People are instruments in the hand of a holy God. My hope is in the fact that intercessors plead the cause of the unborn, the orphan, and this nation before the high courts of heaven and things are moved in the spiritual and natural realms. Intercession targeted at the idols and strongholds of wickedness in our nations is the change that is needed. God raise up more intercessors in this nation; in California, in Colorado, in D.C. come Lord wake up your church to the hour that we are in. Open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf in the church!!!! Jesus hear our cry and turn this nation from wickedness.

1 comment:

Annette said...

AMEN KRIS! you tell 'em girl.