October 11, 2008

Shiloh Turned One Month Old Today!!!!

Today my little princess turned one month old. It is incredible to me that a month ago we were in a small town in Kansas, sitting nervously in the entry way/waiting room of a country hospital to receive the greatest gift of our lives, Shiloh Abigail Cooper. 10:55 am we held her for the first time on September 11th, 2008 and our lives and hearts were changed forever. I will never be able to look back and make sense of my life before Shiloh and now as we look ahead and try to plan for the future it is still a little blurry. One thing that we are sure about is that this little one is sealed in a cocoon of love in the deepest place of our hearts and we are so very grateful to God and our family of friends for her being brought into our home.
Today we decided to celebrate on a spur of the moment idea of a tea party. I sent out emails last night to some friends and we went to the store to buy those yummies that you serve at tea parties. I woke up this morning and with Shiloh strapped to me in the sling we went to town freshening up the house for our guest and my little crumpet stayed awake from 8am till 1pm. I couldn't believe it. She wasn't overly fussy or anything, it seemed like she just wanted to take in the moment. Our guest arrived on time and we brewed some tea and ate little snacks and visited. It was so fun and as Steven is away on a Onething trip it helped with the loneliness. I haven't been that lonely this weekend or this week as we have had awesome guest from Canada staying with us and sharing in the delicacy of "squishing" our little daughter.
After a little while as people were leaving my friends again generously offered their services of babysitting. I am so blessed to have so many to help with Shiloh. I usually don't take advantage but today I took Kristen Schlemmer's offer and hit the gym for an hour. I was feeling sluggish and it gave me the second wind that I needed. I also arranged for Steven and I to have two hours on Monday as Shari will watch her. I love it also because my friends will watch her here at the house, their place, or the prayer room. It is awesome. (Oh for those wondering, Shiloh wears little ear plugs in the prayer room)
After that and a load of laundry we laid down for a little nap and then after a little bottle snack a walk was in order and now we are just sitting back chillin at the house. Dakota is laying lazily on the floor by the couch, Shiloh is in her bouncy staring at the mobile attached to it sucking on her soothie, and I of course am typing away trying to keep fam and friends engaged in our little dream boat world.
Thanks for reading.


Kristi said...

We have so enjoyed being with you guys, getting to know you and squishing Shiloh all week! She's precious!

That is so great that you have wonderful friends that will enjoy time with her when you need it! Enjoy your date time with Steven! You guys deserve it!

If you think of us tomorrow (Monday), please pray as we're driving back all day!

Stephanie said...

I love that Shiloh wears little ear plugs in the prayer room! that's fantastic! Happy 1 belated one month birthday, Shiloh!