July 28, 2008

Another Wierd Dream

I have once again woke from a crazy dream about what could go wrong with our adoption and somehow I hear this is normal. The skinny is that my case worker forgot to tell us that our birth mother went into labor and called us 5 hours after the baby was born. Steven was away and my parents were in town. I scrambled to get everyone and everything together and then we got lost. We get there to find that since we didn't come to the birth, our birth mother brought our daughter into her room and was getting to know her. Then I woke up.

Well you can imagine what I was thinking as I opened my eyes this morning. I got up, got ready and headed straight for the prayer room. Once there I made sure the thank God for all his goodness and then prayed for our case worker to have peace, grace, and above all to not forget about us when the time comes!


1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yikes! I saw the word "dream" but then kept on reading and thought that your dream was reality! Yikes! That scared me!