September 8, 2010

It's Been A Long Time

To all my blog readers, I am truly sorry for ignoring you all this time. Life as it is, leaves me little time to sit and blog, but I am trying to mend my ways. My computer is old and slow so loading pictures can be an all day event, much less videos. However I figured if I start early in the morning I should be able to finish a post before I go to work in the afternoon. :-) I know that everyone is anxious to hear about Shiloh and also what Steven and I are doing. Shiloh is growing up so fast and as you will see in the next few post, she isn't a baby anymore. She is so smart and very funny. She is turning into a little love muffin with her spontaneous expressions of love and her vocabulary grows by tens everyday.
I will wet your appetite with some pictures and videos then post about each person individually. This week will culminate with a very special event, it is Shiloh's 2nd birthday!!!! Here are some recent pics and a couple of videos for your viewing pleasure!

We are big time playground people! Shiloh has no fear. She goes for the tallest slide and loves to swing on her belly.

Yummy yummy watermelon!

Grandma gave her this pool and it was a hit!

I love this facial expression.

This video took place at a friends house. Our dear friends the Farrows came into town so we spent a day at another friends pool. Shiloh loves going to the pool and loves daddy's boat!

1 comment:

L'effet Petit said...

what a beautiful and happy baby!!