March 16, 2010

More Bad News

I would love to give you a positive update on my grandmother's situation, but I am afraid the the latest news is as grey as the Kansas City weather. With all that has gone on since she had the heart attack last Monday I am afraid that we have had the hardest blow today. On Thursday my grandmother had a bad day and they felt like they should bring in a kidney Dr. to make sure that she wasn't going into renal failure. He did some blood work and a scan and noticed something on the scan that was unusual. This led to some more test and this morning the diagnosis was renal cancer. That's right folks, if we thought it wasn't bad enough, it just got worse. Because of the damage that was done to her heart and the fact that they are still trying to stabilize her, the possibility of surgery is none. She just wouldn't survive the anesthesia much less the blood loss of a tumor removal from a kidney and worse case a total kidney removal. The heart and kidneys are so interrelated that it would kill her to loose one. It is really in the hands of the Lord at this point. I am one who believes in miracles and my grandmother is as well so bring it on Lord!

My mom called me this morning to tell me all of this and she had the daunting task of relaying that message to my dad after work. The hard thing about it isn't just that she had to tell him that his mother has cancer, but that she would have to tell my dad this and then go to work for the night. She is a night shift person and my dad would then be left alone. You can imagine how my mom felt and how my dad is feeling now. Not too mention how my grandfather who is exhausted is feeling with this news as well. This is just not going well people.

My mother has encouraged me to go to Texas ASAP to see my family. Steven and I are trying to make that happen. I am looking for tickets to fly down there and also talking with my other set of grandparents that live in Tyler to help as well. My dileman well one of them is do I take Shiloh to see her possibly for the last time? I know that she would want me to and be very disappointed if I didn't , but an 18 mo. at a hospital isn't ideal. Plus the fact that when I leave it is very hard on Steven and Shiloh. Oh Lord...this season of my life is driving me crazy. If I don't get some sunshine soon I am going to need some anti psychotics. So my plan is to fly out this weekend sometime and come back Fri. My grandfather really needs some help and they are talking about putting her on life support because of how bad she is doing. So please pray for me and my family.

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